A Best Of The Web Blog

Thursday, July 30, 2009


So, today, we were supposed to be hearing the result of the 9 o’clock meeting to determine whether we’d be getting the 10 month old twins, who are frankly pushing 11 months now. We received word at 8:30 that the meeting has been put off for another week while they work things out legally. We also were told that the other family in the running has been waiting for six months longer than we have, so as I said in the last post, that means that unless we are demonstrably a better match for the twins, all things being equal, they get the babies.

Oh well, what will be will be. If not these babies, then others will come our way. We’re still naturally optimistic people.

That Pollyannaish sentiment aside, I’m really growly at work right now. Heh heh heh.

1 comment:

deezee said...

Oh, sorry for the (possible) disappointment. You two are going to excellent daddies. If you'd like some practice in the mean time, feel free to teach my son to drive. :)