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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Twin & Tonic

So we just got off the phone with our social worker after her meeting with county social workers. Overall, more good stuff than bad. Our concern about the twins not being developmentally on target is largely gone. Since we last talked, they are not only sitting on their own, they’re crawling, cooing, engaged and interested in everything, and sleeping through the night. Who knows, they might be walking soon too.

On the bad side: the mom right now is in rehab, so she sees the kids for 3 hours every Sunday. The county social workers say this is the usual pattern, but once she’s finished with rehab, she’s likely to disappear altogether. The other annoying bit is that the judge on the case is “very thorough,” which our social worker says means parental rights won’t likely be terminated very soon. On the other hand, the county social workers are adamant that the twins shouldn’t be given back to the mother … who, by the way, is pregnant again. Our social worker still consider this a “low risk” case as far as reunification goes. It just might take a while.

So, we said to sign us up for the next appointment, where we meet with the kids’ social worker … I believe we see a photo!

Other than that, looking forward to our 3-day-weekend which begins to tomorrow. In Vegas baby!

Ian says he’s going to “invest” $20 on slots because babies need new pairs of shoes!

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