A Best Of The Web Blog

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Blog Entry to Embarrass You in Years Ahead, Mikey

Mikey has been practicing his potty skills and so has been spending more and more time sitting on the toilet or his potty with his big boy underpants around his ankles. Tonight, as usual, we talked about this and that while he sat on the potty.

He decided that everyone was a color. I’m blue. Papa and Mikey are pink. Grandma is orange, and Grandpa is purple, and sorry, Dad, so are monkeys. That led us to sing about eight silly monkeys dancing on the bed. Then we discussed how our fingers individually were one, one, one, one, one, one, but they were also one, two, three, four, and five, which we agreed was interesting.

Then there was a pause, and Mikey looked at his todger, still waiting for the impulse to pee, and retracted the foreskin, and said, “Look, Daddy. It’s Sir Topham Hatt.”

If you’re not familiar with the bald-headed character from the Thomas the Tank Engine series, he looks like this.

Mikey later incorporated my reaction to that into the act when he repeated it for Ian’s benefit.

“Oh my God,” Mikey said, holding his head in his hands, giggling. “Oh … my … God …”

1 comment:


Kids are amazing aren't they?! Who knew that potty humor could be so intellectual? Takes a whole new meaning to conversations around the water cooler!

I BETTER be pink!!! Please ask Mikey next time you are having your urinal insight.